
Research Grants

Research Grants

The Pelvic Pain Foundation of Australia supports research through mentoring or financial assistance. We welcome enquiries from health professionals or scientists who are planning or undertaking research in the area of pelvic pain. PPFA encourages collaborative relationships with a range of partners and organisations to produce highly effective educational initiatives and improve research outcomes. This approach enables us to share important health messages for women and men with pelvic pain optimising their health outcomes. Here at PPFA we see ourselves as knowledge exchange partners and encourage researchers. We help disseminate surveys to inform health professionals and the community about their research findings. All research in which we are involved complies with the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018 and the Australian NHMRC Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research.

We welcome your applications.

Current research projects you can join

At the Pelvic Pain Foundation we are approached by researchers from different backgrounds keen to learn more from girls, women and men about their experiences. They are grateful to those who complete the survey, and often continue on to other pelvic pain research, based on what they’ve learned from the survey. So, will it benefit you? No. Not directly. However, one of the major things holding up progress in pelvic pain, is a lack of research, and a lack of data to support extra services. Being involved in research is something that allows your voice to be heard, and helps those people with your condition in the future. They include an opportunity to be informed of the outcome of the study when it is finally completed and published, although that can be a few years down the track. This page has surveys that are looking for your help now.

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